Please wear full soccer attire (Jersey, black shorts, black socks, and cleats/running shoes)
$10 CASH ONLY for one 5x7 group portrait, and one 5x7 individual portrait. Paid at the time of picture taking to the Photographer's helpers
Saturday, June 1st, 2024
U8 - Photos between 8:45am-9:45am
Please arrive at your regular soccer playing area.
As your child arrives, they can join their coaches on the field for practice as normal. The photographer will meet with one team at a time. A volunteer will bring your child's team to the photo area when the photographer is ready.
U3 & U4
As your child arrives, they can join the coaches at the various soccer stations as normal. The photo area will be one of the kids "stations." This will hopefully make it easier for the children: allowing them to enjoy plenty of soccer play time, and avoid too much waiting around. **Please keep an eye out for when your child attends the "photo station." At that time, please approach the area to pay for your portraits.**
U3 - Photos between 10:00am-10:30am
Please arrive at your regular soccer playing area.
**Note the start time for photos is a little earlier than the typical timbit soccer start time.** A volunteer will take the kids to the picture area when the photographer is ready.
U4 - Photos between 10:30am-11:00am
Please arrive to play at your regular scheduled soccer playing area.
A volunteer will take the kids to the picture area when the photographer is ready.
Saturday, June 8th, 2024
U5 - at 10:00am
To avoid crowding- please arrive at 9:45 to your regular soccer playing area.
A volunteer will take the kids to the picture area when the photographer is ready.
U6 - at 10:30am
Please arrive to play your regular scheduled 10 am soccer.
A volunteer will take the kids to the picture area when the photographer is ready.
Youth and Adult Team Portraits
Youth and Adult team portraits will be occurring between June 1st and June 8th. Check with your coach regarding their chosen date and time.
Open to players of all ages.
You are welcome to bring in your slightly used soccer cleats and trade them in for another slightly used pair, or just pick up, or drop off a pair.
This will be ongoing June 14th-July 15st on the picnic tables, under the pavilion at Taxandria Soccer Club.
Taxandria will donate any shoes remaining after July 15th to a local Goodwill.
Our club receives fantastic support from our local businesses.
Please check them out below, and feel free to thank them for their support, and make sure to shop with them!!
Thank you to all of our sponsors!
The Taxandria Falcons Soccer Club is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing a safe, enjoyable, and affordable soccer programs for the youth and adults of our communities.
In case of emergency call 911
Complex Address: 7159 Arkona Road, Warwick, ON
Defibrillator is located in the clubhouse, past the bathrooms on the right.
Nearest Hospital: 395 Carrie St, Strathroy
Resources to report any instance of, harassment, abuse or discrimination.
Taxandria Soccer Club
The Canadian Sport Helpline
Phone / Text Message: 1-888-83SPORT (1-888-837-7678)